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How to Get Android 13

How to Get Android 13
How to Get Android 13

Table of Contents

Get Android 13 Developer Preview on a Google Pixel device

Android 13 Developer Preview images are available for the following Google Pixel devices:

  • Pixel 4 and 4 XL
  • Pixel 4a and 4a (5G)
  • Pixel 5 and 5a
  • Pixel 6 and 6 Pro

How to Get Android 13

Android 13 Developer Preview Released
Android 13 Developer Preview Released

The recommended way to flash Android 13 to a Pixel device is to use the Android Flash Tool. If you’d rather flash your device manually, you can get an Android 13 system image for your device on the Pixel downloads page. See the general instructions on the downloads page for how to flash a system image to your device. This approach can be useful when you need more control over testing, such as for automated testing or regression testing.

Set up an Android emulator

Configuring an Android emulator to run Android 13 is a great solution for exploring new features and APIs and testing Android 13 behavior changes. Setting up an emulator is fast and convenient and allows you to emulate various screen sites and device characteristics.

You can set up an emulator from inside Android Studio by doing the following:

  • Install the latest Preview build of Android Studio.
  • In Android Studio, click Tools > SDK Manager.
  • In the SDK Tools tab, select the latest version of Android Emulator, and click OK. This action installs the latest version if it isn’t already installed.
  • In Android Studio, click Tools > AVD Manager, and follow the instructions to create a new Android Virtual Device (AVD). (Be sure to select a device definition for a supported Pixel device and a 64-bit Android 13 emulator system image. If you don’t already have an Android 13 system image installed that matches your device definition, click Download next to the Release Name to get it.)
  • Return to the list of virtual devices in the AVD Manager, and then double-click your Android 13 virtual device to launch it.

Android 13 Developer Preview Release Overview

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