Page Speed Checker - 100% Free Page Speed Checker

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Page Speed Checker

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About Page Speed Checker

We already know website speed is an important SEO factor to attract online visitors, only when sites load in less than 2 seconds. Over the past 3 years, mobile users took the top spot over than desktop user and have grown rapidly ever before. If you want to keep them engaging visitors, then the site should load in less than 2 seconds for all types of devices.

The website loading speed depends on various key factors such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, image, cache, server speed, server usage, and much more. Each plays a key role in loading web pages faster but mainly depends on how well the site is designed and uses the server resources.

To check the website status on loading speed, there are many factors to be considered like HTML & CSS compression, javascript minification, image compression, reducing redirects, browser caching, improving server response time, and many more. Google is giving main preference to mobile-first index and website speed, so each and every factor will be a part of SEO rankings.