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How to Backup WordPress site from cPanel

How to Backup WordPress site from cPanel - 100% Manually
How to Backup WordPress site from cPanel – 100% Manually

How to Backup WordPress site from cPanel

Welcome to Today I am going to show you How to create a full cPanel backup and How to Backup a WordPress site using Softaculous (100% Manually)

  1. How to create a full cPanel backup
  2. How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous

How to Backup WordPress site from cPanel

1. How to create a full cPanel backup

A full cPanel backup includes all account files, databases, email accounts, and settings. If you are going to transfer your cPanel We recommend creating a full cPanel backup.

1. Go to cPanel > Files section > and Click on “Backup“.

How to create a full cPanel backup
How to create a full cPanel backup

2. Click on Download a Full Website Backup

How to create a full cPanel backup
How to create a full cPanel backup

By default, a full cPanel backup will be saved into your account home directory. If you want to change your Backup Destination you can choose another target location for the backup.

3. Click on Generate Backup.

How to create a full cPanel backup
How to create a full cPanel backup

Wait some time. After the backup is complete, you will see the Backup complete message.

Click on Go Back and Download your Backup.

2. How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous

Now let’s backup your WordPress site using Softaculous. To do that Go to cPanel and click on Softaculous Manager.

Now on the top bar click on the “All installations” icon.

How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous
How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous

Then you will see your WordPress site or all site list. Now Click on the Backup.

How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous
How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous

If you want to change the Backup Location, you can set a location for that. If not keep it default.

Once you click on the “Backup Installation”, the software backup will start to backup your site.

How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous
How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous

Wait some time to complete the process.

then you will see Backup created successfully message. You can go and download the backup file by clicking on the top bar “Backup” icon or Backup.

How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous
How to Backup WordPress site using Softaculous

To Download Backup. Click on the Download icon.

All done. If you have any problems comment below to get support from And also share your ideas with us!!

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