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How to create a subdomain in cPanel

How to create a subdomain in cPanel 2022 - Best Trick
How to create a subdomain in cPanel 2022 – Best Trick

Table of Contents

A subdomain is a subsection of your website that can exist as a new website without a new domain name. Use subdomains to create memorable URLs for different content areas of your site. For example, you can create a subdomain for your blog that is accessible through and

Subdomains can point to different sections of your website. In order to create a subdomain in your cPanel account, follow the next steps.

How to create a subdomain in cPanel

1. Log into your cPanel >> Domains section >> Subdomains menu.

2. Enter the following details for your subdomain:

Create a Subdomain
Create a Subdomain
  • Subdomain: the name of your subdomain
  • Domain: choose the domain name you wish to create a subdomain for from this drop-down menu
  • Document Root: the root directory for your subdomain (for example, it can be /public_html/subdomain)

3. Click on Create.

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The newly created subdomain should be available online within 5-10 minutes. However, it may take up to 30-40 minutes for the newly created record to fully propagate worldwide.

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