Sindu Potha

Sindu Potha was created by us who wish to enjoy Sri Lankan songs.

Can PropellerAds place with AdSense

Can PropellerAds place with AdSense - 100% Tested with Proof
Can PropellerAds place with AdSense – 100% Tested with Proof

Can PropellerAds place with AdSense

Make more money with your traffic

If you are looking to generate more revenue through your site and need the most advanced monetization solutions, With PropellerAds, no matter what kind of marketer or publisher you are – you have multiple opportunities to earn real money.

Who can earn?
  • Website Owners
  • SEO Masters
  • Ad Networks, Brokers
  • Domainers
  • Social Media Marketers
  • Plugins / Extensions

The most profitable ad formats to earn more. Push Notifications, Onclick Ads (Popunder), In-Page Push (Banner), Interstitials, and Smart Links are the main ad formats PropellerAds.

But today I am going to show you how the Push Notifications ad format works for me with AdSense.

Can PropellerAds place with AdSense

I used only the Push Notifications ad format because AdSense doesn’t like Popunder or redirecting ads. So that I placed a Push Notifications ad and tested it for 3 months. And also still using.

Here is the screenshot of when I added my site to PropellerAds.

Can PropellerAds place with AdSense
Can PropellerAds place with AdSense

The below screenshot shows you how much I received and the payout balance.

Can PropellerAds place with AdSense
Can PropellerAds place with AdSense
Push Notifications

Push Notifications (Native Subscriptions) are a revolutionary monetization tool. These browser notifications take completely no space on your website, bring instant per-subscription revenue (CPS), and perfectly complement other ad formats. You will earn even if a user is not visiting your website anymore.

Can PropellerAds place with AdSense
Can PropellerAds place with AdSense

After adding PropellerAds to my site, the first 7 days of AdSense income dropped. But after 2 weeks it came normal. So that I thought to keep PropellerAds.

This is my experience with PropellerAds. So I invite all readers to try PropellerAds. I think it will work for you also. If you have any problems please comment below. And also share your ideas with us!!

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