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How To Change Android App Logo icon

How To Change Android App Logo icon - Android Studio 2022
How To Change Android App Logo icon – Android Studio 2022

How To Change Android App Logo icon in Android Studio?

We have to add our app logo icon to the WebView application. When we install the app, the logo icon (application icon) will show on mobile.

Change Android Application Icon Using Android Studio

It’s very easy, You can change app icons, action bar and tab icons, notification icons, TV banners, and TV channel icons. To do that follow the below instructions.

How To Change Android App Logo icon

Change Android App Logo icon in Android Studio?

1 . Open your previously created android application project. (If you haven’t project please read, How To Make Android App using Android Studio? article.)

Other articles, related to this post.

2. On the left side right click on app. (App > New > Image Asset)

Configure image asset
Configure image asset

3. Now locate your logo icon by selecting the path.

Configure image asset 2
Configure image asset 2

4. Customize the view and save it.

That’s all. Now run your android project in AVD. You will see your logo will show in your application.

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