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How to get alerts about unrecognized logins to Facebook?

How to get alerts about unrecognized logins to Facebook?
How to get alerts about unrecognized logins to Facebook?

How to get alerts about unrecognized logins to Facebook?

Think about your online security. Today we are going to show you How to get alerts about unrecognized logins to your Facebook account?

You can improve the security of your Facebook account by getting an alert when someone tries logging in from a device or web browser that we don’t recognize. These alerts will tell you which device tried logging in and where it’s located.

How to get alerts about unrecognized logins to Facebook?

To get alerts about unrecognized logins:

  • Go to your Security and login settings.
  • Scroll down to Get alerts about unrecognized logins and click Edit.
  • Choose where you want to receive your alerts, such as from your email account or with a Facebook notification from a recognized device.
  • Click Save Changes.

When you receive a login alert, you can tell Facebook, if you recognize the login activity by clicking or tapping This was me.

If you don’t recognize the login activity, click or tap This wasn’t me and Facebook will help you reset your password and secure your account.

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